JAMStack Development

JAMstack stands for JavaScript, APIs, and Markup. The term was coined by Mathias Biilmann to describe a modern web development architecture based on client-side JavaScript, reusable APIs, and prebuilt Markup.

The static nature of a JAMstack app makes scaling easy, and causes little to no dev-ops overhead. The JAMstack approach can also improve your app's security posture since static sites generally have a small attack vector.

Another benefit is a lot of functionality that was traditionally processed in the back-end, now takes place in the user's browser. And the fact that the stack is JavaScript-based is a great bonus for web developers.

  • Ultra Speedy Performance : Because the static pages are prebuilt and served to your browser via a CDN, the time to first byte is minimised. Lots of functionalities that were usually processed in the back-end, are now managed on your browser side.
  • Higher security : Stop worrying about database or server-side vulnerabilities. You have no need for a server-side language to be executed, so less ways to inject code or get attacked.
  • Easier scalability: Because your files are served through CDN, when your app gets more requests, the CDN easily compensates for higher traffic.
JAMStack Development